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Public hospital, clinic, private hospital… These care structures all welcome you but with a distinct way of working.

The Ministry of Health distinguishes between three types of care structures: public establishments, private non-profit establishments and private structures.

A hospital establishment is a public service and its employees are part of the civil service. Particular prerogatives are devolved to the public hospital: training, research, transplants…
A private clinic or hospital is a private health establishment. It is managed by a private organization or an association. However, some clinics are non-profit and take part in public service activities. There are also a small number of hospitals or clinics that are not covered by health insurance.

Many people favour the clinic for the availability and well-being of its staff, but the hospital has more material and human resources and does not overcharge.

As a general rule, individuals present themselves voluntarily at a private clinic, unlike a public hospital. If you have been taken in hand by the SAMU or the fire brigade, you are automatically taken to the public hospital. Emergency situations are hardly treated at clinics because there are almost no doctors on call.